食品伙伴网讯 2021年1月19日,据欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)消息,欧盟营养、新型食品和食物过敏源(NDA)研究小组就裂殖壶菌油(oil from Schizochytrium limacinum (strain FCC‐3204) )作为新型食品的安全性发表科学意见。
经过评估,专家小组得出结论,对于目标人群(成人,不包括孕妇和哺乳期妇女),裂殖壶菌油作为新型食品可以安全地用于食品补充剂中,最大摄入量为每天1g DHA。部分原文报道如下:
Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) was asked to deliver an opinion on the safety of Schizochytrium sp. oil as a novel food (NF) pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283. Schizochytrium sp. is a single‐cell microalga. The strain FCC‐3204, used by the applicant (Fermentalg), belongs to the species Schizochytrium limacinum. The NF, an oil rich in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), is obtained from microalgae after enzymatic lysis. The applicant proposed to increase the use level of the NF as a food supplement, from 250 mg DHA/day (currently authorised for the general population, excluding pregnant and lactating women) to 3 g DHA/day for adults, excluding pregnant and lactating women. S. limacinum was attributed the qualified presumption of safety (QPS) status with the qualification ‘for production purposes only’. Data provided by the applicant demonstrated the absence of viable cells in the NF. No toxicological studies were performed with the NF. However, based on the available toxicological data on oils derived from Schizochytrium sp., the QPS status of the source of the NF, the production process, the composition of the NF and the absence of viable cells in the NF, the Panel considers there are no concerns with regard to toxicity of the NF. The Panel considers that the data provided by the applicant are not sufficient to conclude on the safety of the NF at the proposed uses (3 g DHA/day as a food supplement) in adults. However, in 2012, the Panel concluded that supplemental intakes of DHA alone up to about 1 g/day do not raise safety concerns for the general population. The Panel concludes that the NF is safe for the use in food supplements at the maximum intake level of 1 g DHA/day for the target population (adults, excluding pregnant and lactating women).