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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-03-15  来源:华中农业大学
核心提示:3月8日,华中农业大学作物遗传改良国家重点实验室作物表型团队题为A deep learning-integrated micro-CT image analysis pipeline for quantifying rice lodging resistance-related traits的研究论文以封面论文的形式刊发在Plant Communications。


  3月8日,华中农业大学作物遗传改良国家重点实验室作物表型团队题为A deep learning-integrated micro-CT image analysis pipeline for quantifying rice lodging resistance-related traits的研究论文以封面论文的形式刊发在Plant Communications。文章介绍了一种基于深度学习的高通量微型CT图像处理技术,实现了水稻茎秆3D性状和抗倒性状无损快速测定及精准分析,为未来水稻遗传改良提供了一种重要的水稻茎秆表型精准鉴定新技术和新方法。









  Lodging is acommon problem in rice, reducing its yield and mechanical harvestingefficiency. Rice architecture is a key aspect of its domestication and a majorfactor that limits its high productivity. The ideal rice culm structure,including major_axis_culm, minor axis_culm, and wall thickness_culm, iscritical for improving lodging resistance. However, the traditional method ofmeasuring rice culms is destructive, time consuming, and labor intensive. Inthis study, we used a high-throughput micro-CT-RGB imaging system and deeplearning (SegNet) to develop a high-throughput micro-CT image analysispipeline that can extract 24 rice culm morphological traits and lodgingresistance-related traits. When manual and automatic measurements werecompared at the mature stage, the mean absolute percentage errors formajor_axis_culm, minor_axis_culm, and wall_thickness_culm in 104 indicarice accessions were 6.03%, 5.60%, and 9.85%, respectively, andthe R2 values were 0.799, 0.818, and 0.623. We also builtmodels of bending stress using culm traits at the mature and tillering stages,and the R2 values were 0.722 and 0.544, respectively. Themodeling results indicated that this method can quantify lodging resistancenondestructively, even at an early growth stage. In addition, we also evaluatedthe relationships of bending stress to shoot dry weight, culm density, anddrought-related traits and found that plants with greater resistance tobending stress had slightly higher biomass, culm density, and culm area butpoorer drought resistance. In conclusion, we developed a deeplearning-integrated micro-CT image analysis pipeline to accurately quantify thephenotypic traits of rice culms in ~4.6 min perplant; this pipeline will assist in future high-throughput screening of largerice populations for lodging resistance.

关键词: 水稻 实验